Details of 2023 venues, courses and classes added.
The web site has been updated with details of the three venues and the courses and classes that will be available to enter.
The web site has been updated with details of the three venues and the courses and classes that will be available to enter.
After the disappointment of SINS 2021 having to be reduced to a single one day event, plans are well advanced for SINS 2023 with a return to its 3 day format over the late May Bank Holiday weekend, 27th – 29th May. Initial details are now on the website. We are aiming to open Entries on Fabian4 in early February. Further information will be added to the website over the next few weeks.
Organiser’s and Planner’s reports have been added to the results page.
Results for SINS 2021 and the Midland Championships at Stapeley and Rorrington are now final. Split times and access to Winsplits are also available. It’s a wrap! Hopefully see you in 2023!
The provisional results for SINS 2021 and the Midland Championships at Stapeley and Rorrington are now available from this website. Links have also been provided to Routegadget and we hope to provide split times and access to Winsplits soon. Take a look at the photographs taken by Andy Johnson, there is a link to these from the Pictures page.
Update Dated 21st April Unfortunately we have decided to delay the opening of entry to the two events on Fabian4 whilst we seek clarification with regards to any further changes to the Welsh Covid restrictions.
Information has been added to the individual days pages. It is confirmed that Day 2 will be the Midland Area Long Distance Orienteering Championships. Event Details page has been updated with further information including the Class/Course details.