SINS 2021 Final Details

SINS 2021 Final Details

Final Details – Stapeley and Rorrington

Covid Safe Orienteering:

Everyone attending the event must follow the BOF Participant Code of Conduct at all times. The Code of Conduct is available on the BOF Website.

The key considerations include:

  • Participants must not attend if they or a member of their household has Covid 19 symptoms, or if they have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace.
  • Observing social distancing at all times including keeping your distance from other participants, helpers and members of the public.
  • This is particularly relevant where there may be queues. For example for Toilets, at the Start, Finish and at Download.
  • Move quickly away from controls when you have punched, don’t stand next to the control looking at your map.


The event will be sign posted from the A488 Shrewsbury to Bishops Castle road at its junction with the minor road to Priest Weston, GR SO 320979.  Please take care on narrow roads through the hamlet.  Post code ref for SATNAV is SY5 0JJ

Road Access:

Please respect other road users and residents in and around the competition area to ensure we will be welcomed back in future.

Car Parking:

The Car Park is in a farmer’s field with the entrance through a gate located at the junction of the minor road and the track to Stapeley Common. There is a sharp bend in the minor road at this location so please be cautious as you approach. Parking must be at the marshal’s directions.
Competitors and cars may also be exiting the field through the same gateway so please take notice of the marshal’s instructions on entering and leaving.
We can’t accommodate Large Camper Vans at the event.


Allowed in the car park but must be on a lead at all times at landowner’s request. Owners must clear up any mess their dog creates.


Spacemobiles will provide toilets in the car parking field.  There will not be any toilets at the Start.


Enquiries, Hired SI card collection and Download will all be within the car parking field.


There will be no Entry on the Day in accordance with current BOF Covid guidelines.


Punching will be SI. Controls will be SIAC enabled.
Booked hired SI cards can be collected from Enquiries.
Hired SI cards will be standard cards not SIAC enabled.


These are compulsory at all WMOA events.


All competitors must have full leg and body cover as per BOF rules.
In the event of bad weather competitors may be required to carry a cagoule.  If required a “Cagoules Compulsory” notice will be displayed on the exit from the car parking field.  

Route to Start:

Allow 15minutes from the car parking field to the start.
The route will be signed and is reasonably level. Initially the route is along the track towards Stapeley Common. Be aware that there may be cars and members of the public using this track.


There will be 1 Start for all the courses.
Please do not arrive too early at the start.

Start procedure:

You will be allocated a start time which will be checked off against a start list. 
Late starters and helpers will be fitted in at the discretion of the officials.
A punching start will operate with a 4-minute call up.
There will be 1 start with 3 start lanes.
Labelling of the Start Lanes and Maps will be by the Colour of the Course.
It is your responsibility to ensure you pick up the correct map and please make sure you only pick one up.

Please make sure you know the colour of the course your Age Class is allocated to, as shown in the table below.

Men’s ClassesWomen’s ClassesColour Level
W40S, W45S, W50S, W55S
Short Green
Light Green


All maps are printed on waterproof paper.
All Courses are at 1:10,000 with 5m contours. 
Maps will not be collected at the finish but please do not show your map to other competitors who have yet to run.  

White and Yellow Maps:

These maps will be made available to young and inexperienced orienteers before they start. The Start team will be able to help if needed.

Control Descriptions:

These are on the maps and loose descriptions will be provided in the Start lanes.

OOB Areas:

As indicated on the map. Courses do not enter cultivated areas or fields surrounded by common land.


The area is divided by a fence which has stile-type crossing points and is highlighted in purple on the map. It should only be crossed at these points.


The competition area is an exposed, open area up to 400m high where weather conditions can change quickly.
There are some steep and craggy slopes which will be slippery underfoot if wet.
There are also some old mineshafts which are surrounded by fences which should not be crossed.

Courses Close:

The courses will close at 16.00.


The walk back from the finish to the car park will take approx. 5 minutes.

Si Download:

All competitors must download as soon as possible at the end of their run whether they have completed the course or not.                                Download will be back in the car park.

Shadowing Juniors:

Juniors may be shadowed. To remain competitive, any adult who shadows a junior must have completed their run beforehand.


Results will not be published on a results board on the day in order to reduce the probability of participants congregating. They will be made available on the SINS website as soon as practicable.

Midlands Area Championships:

To be eligible to win one of the Midland Area Championship Trophies you must:
Be a member of British Orienteering;
Be registered via one of the clubs which form part of either the EAOA, EMOA or WMOA;
Enter your appropriate L/A Age Class.

Trophy Presentation:

We will not be having a formal Trophy Presentation Ceremony due to Covid.
We will make alternative arrangements for the Trophy winners to receive their Trophy.

Return of Trophies:

If any attendees have not returned the trophies won previously please bring them with you and hand them in to one of the Officials.


If anyone has a complaint about the event they should make it to the Organiser.
A Jury will be on standby.

First Aid:

Members of WRE and HOC who have completed the relevant First Aid course.


The nearest full emergency hospital is Shrewsbury and it is signed from the A5/A488 junction.  There is a hospital car park, fee payable, so have spare coins available.
 A “Hospital” sheet will be available with addresses, phone numbers and route maps for the hospital.  Collect one if needed from Enquiries or the First Aid point.

Club tents:

In order to reduce the probability of participants congregating, Club Tents must not be used at this event.

String Course:

Unfortunately we will not be able to provide a string course at this event.


Podium will be in attendance.

Course details

CourseDistance (Km)Climb (m)Controls
Short Green3.615510
Light Green4.216011

Download these details: